
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Messi & Christiono Ronaldo the Showdown

 I wonder why people complain about who's the best soccer player. Who do you think is the best soccer player in your opinion? But why do you liker that player? Itink thier both great but in thier own ways. Fof example they are not good at defending. Because their both great at attacking. But they have different positions in attacking. Messi is great at his position and Ronoldo is great at his own position.

 See they can be friends or enemies. Do you think that they are friends or enemies. All soccer players are the best at soccer in their own ways. So defenders are great at things their own way, even midfielders. Same with Messi and Christano Ronaldo. So Know how do think whos the best in soccer know. Just because they score goals that does'nt mean that their the best. Like goalies, if we did'nt have them what would appen the ame would be too easy and boring.  

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